Friday, March 19, 2010

The Reigning Authority

I am so overwhelmed by this mighty and awesome God that I serve. How blessed it is to be in His presence. How comforting it is to know that absolutely nothing in life is bigger than He is. Do you know that nothing is impossible for our God? Nothing. He is and has the reigning authority. Man's authority and power are limited. Not our God's! He always has the final say. Thank you Lord.

Last spring/summer (2009) Phillip and I went through the worst financial time of our lives. Every material possession other than our home we lost. Everything Phillip had worked for in his business was taken. The reputation we had built in the community was at stake by the words spoken against us by selfish, hard-hearted, bitter men. We came to understand that the loyalty we gave to the business world was not reciprocated. The world around us was more unstable than it had ever been. There were days of fit throwing, kicking, and screaming. Days were spent questioning God about our circumstances. Days (months rather) when our 6 figure income had decreased to zero figures. How did this happen? How could this happen? WHAT was happening? We were devastated. Life as we knew it was no longer. I spent hours crying and Phillip spent hours burdened and suffocated by life's issues.

As I look back now on those months of confusion and uncertainty, I can see the mighty hand of a very powerful God. At the time I saw and felt only my situation and the pain it was inflicting upon me. I saw one possession of mine go from my hands to someone else's. Either because we had to sell it to pay the mortgage or because the bank repossessed it. My children lost their possessions too and this was a hard sight for me to see. The most amazing thing to me now as I look back on it all is the grace my children gave to Phillip and me. I never saw an attitude from them when their toys were taken by someone else. They just seemed to accept the fact that mom and dad needed the money and that was that for them. How truly precious they are to me. My sweet little (or not so little) boys. How could I be more proud of them?

Now - a whole year later and I can tell you that God is a God of restoration. Have you ever heard the lyrics, "God will make a way when there seems to be no way. He works in ways we can not see. He will make a way for me"? And that He did. He has restored. He has opened my eyes to so many things. I see now how foolish Phillip and I were in so many areas and how life goes on no matter the situation.

My very wise mother wrote in my 6th grade autograph book these words, "What the caterpillar calls the end of life, the Maker calls a butterfly." What a truth to hold onto. When it seems the darkest and there appears to be no way out - God performs a miracle! Even in death - God performs miracles. That's just the kind of God He is. He never leaves the lights turned out too long. My Dad used to tell me, "why complain about the darkness when there's a candle in the house?" Thanks Dad! Today, I choose to light the candle. And I thank my ever amazing Savior for being the Reigning Authority. I'm so glad He has the final say.

And hold on to this truth - He has the final say in your situation too ! Hold on for He WILL make a way when there seems to be no way.