Monday, December 28, 2009

The New Year

2010 is right around the corner. I have my 2010 goals and I'm very excited about them. My only issue is time. I remember asking a friend once why there wasn't enough time in the day and she asked me if I thought God made the imperfect day. Well, of course, He didn't. We, as humans, just fill the days with too many activities. I wonder with the advance in technology how we seem to have less time as time goes on. How does that happen? I'm not really sure except that with technology, we "think" we have more time than we really do. Anyway, back to the goals.

I consider myself an ambitious person, though my ambition on a scale compared to some others may be minimal, I love that I am self-driven and desire more in life than the day to day tasks. Not that those tasks are not important, they are. It took me years to truly understand that whatever I am doing, if doing it in the name of the Lord, is giving Him glory. If I'm folding laundry, teaching math to Levi, baking a friend dinner, or sending a fax for Phillip, I am giving God glory. I don't have to be in the center of attention by having a prestigious title, and I don't have to have a PHD to bring God glory. God gets glory and we worship Him by doing all we do to the best of our abilities. But I also believe that God wants us growing and He has given us dreams and wants to give us dreams to fulfill in this lifetime.

Which brings me to goals. If we have dreams and visions, then we must have goals in order to meet those dreams. My 2009 dream to write and teach my own Bible study will be brought to fruition in January 2010. When this dream began within me, I had to take steps to make it possible. That goes for any dream. That's where goals come in. We must set realistic goals in order to see our dreams come to pass. But we must remember that we do our best and then we let God do the rest.

So, with the new year upon us, what is your dream? What goals will you set in order to make that dream become a reality? It's important to take steps forward. Remember, God does not want you to settle for less, He wants you to soar to new heights in Him. Dream big and let God make your steps of faith become a reality in your life.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas

I couldn't believe it's been since October that I've submitted anything in writing. WOW. How time truly flies by. Of course, the holidays seem to consume so much of the time.

I wanted truly to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. Christ gives hope to each of us individually and I am so thankful for that hope. He is the giver of life, the imparter of joy and peace. I want nothing more in life than to be right smack in the middle of where He is. His presence is my favorite place to be. Others may be addicted to worldy substance, but I'm addicted to my Savior.

Happy Birthday to my Life-Giver!

And Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Choose Life

Good morning my wonderful friends :) Let's talk about life. I love life. I love living it, I love enjoying it, I love that I can have it and live it regardless of my circumstances.

Let's go to Deuteronomy 30:19. It states, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendant's may live..." A year or so ago when I found myself in the darkest dungeon of my Christian walk, I had to blatantly choose life for myself. I knew that God had set both life and death before me, but all I sensed, saw and experienced at the time was death. I didn't realize that I was choosing death for myself. No, I wasn't choosing the circumstances in my life at that time, but I was choosing to allow the death of the circumstance to bring death to every part of me. I was dying emotionally, spiritually, and ultimately I was dying physically. When death comes to us emotionally and spiritually, it is only a matter of time before that death is seen upon us in physical form.

So, how did I begin to choose life for myself? Well, life comes only by the Word of God. Not by reading it, but by applying it. Even though my circumstances smelled of death, I had to begin to speak life to myself. Have you ever met someone who says they read their Bible, go to church, or pray for hours, but there is no abundant life in them? That's because they are either lying (!), or they are not applying what they are reading and being taught. I have met many people in my life that say they pray for hours, but there is no proof of victory in their lives. Unfortunately, many people read the Bible thinking its a good thing to do, but in essence it is their life source and applying it is more important than reading it.

Any word that you speak either to yourself or to another is either producing life or producing death. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit." The Message Bible states it this way, "Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose." Well, I'm guessing you're a little like I am, and you want to choose some good yummy fruit, not bitter poison for your life. The only way to eat the good fruit is by speaking the words of life according to God. Any word that opposes His truths is death and will bring death to you, to your spouse, to your children, and to your grand children!

Did you follow in Deut. 30:19 that your words, choosing either blessing or cursing, will affect your descendants? I know for my children I want life. I choose blessing for my children. I've experienced death and I choose life for me and for them. I don't want them to have to fight with the things I've had to fight with. For instance, my children will never hear me say they are stupid, fat, ugly, less capable than someone else, or not capable of success in an area they have interest. Justin has made comments to me that he would like to travel with a worship team as his "career." That is what is in his heart. I don't tell him that he can't make any money that way, or that he can't raise a family while he's traveling. He'll never hear me say, "well dream on Justin, that's about impossible." No way! I say, "Justin, you are a blessing to me and to God. If your desire is to serve him by traveling with a worship team and that is his will for your life, then we're going to believe it for you." Levi is eleven and still says he's going to play in the NBA. I have never one time told him that that dream won't happen. Levi can make that dream happen if he works hard enough to achieve it. My boys hear life words from me and that's what I intend to continue pouring into them. And you should do the same with your children. I know sometimes we wonder if their brains are attached, but I promise you they are, and they need life words from us!! Speak Life.

One more thing before I finish. When you speak words such as; I can't, that's impossible, it will never happen, my bills will never be paid, my body will never be healed, my spouse will never change, God doesn't care, I'll never get out of this pit, etc., know that these types of statements are death to you. You must always find God's Word for your situation, meditate upon that Word and make it alive to you. Believe that Word for you regardless of how you feel. Feeling are temporary, they come and go. God's Word is eternal. It shall NEVER pass.

Be blessed my friends. Be a Life speaker :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Get to the Root

When my spine is out of adjustment, I will suffer from a migraine headache. I can take medication to ease the headache, but medication only treats the symptom, not the problem. When I began having migraine headaches, at the age of 11, my mother began seeking out physicians to explain the pain. I was administered several tests by several different doctors and their conclusions were the same. I was going to suffer with migraines and that was just my luck. My mother was not satisfied with that answer and eventually, I'm not sure why, she took me to a chiropractor. Well, to make a long story short, as long as I received adjustments I suffered no headaches. I could be in the midst of a migraine, go to the chiropractor, get adjusted, and leave his office migraine free. He treated the root of my issue, not just the symptom.

I see so many times in my Christian walk, lives that are burdened with so many things. People suffer from depression, anger, confusion, anxiety, fear, and so on and so on. When an individual is asked why he or she are heavy with such things they generally can not tell you why. Or they give you a reason they "think" they are dealing with these issues. Some people tell you it's a chemical issue.

I have found from my own life that there is a root to everything. Last year when I was dealing with a great deal of anger, I became angry over every little incident. One day after a meeting with our leadership, Pastor and Michelle cornered me in the church office and asked what was going on with me. I told them I didn't know and I was full of anger. I didn't have to tell them of my anger, they saw it, they confronted it, and they began to pray. This was the beginning of the process of finding out and dealing with the root of my anger. (FYI - my anger had nothing to do with my Pastors:).

Friends, the root of your issue needs to be addressed. Sometimes the root is so painful to face that we would rather just stay depressed or angry. But I promise you that if you allow the Holy Spirit to work and you cover the "root" with God's Word, you will be given much freedom. God desires to give you an abundant life, not a life of anxiety or fear. How can you live an abundant life if your "root" isn't dealt with? Let me share with you as well that the root of the issue may be something that happened to you 20 years ago. You maybe have repressed it so much that you aren't even aware of its affect on you. My answer? Pray. When you sincerely go to the Lord with a desire for complete freedom, he will give it to you. Begin a good soul searching. Begin asking questions. The Holy Spirit is sure to answer.

Whenever I begin to become angry now, I begin asking questions about why. Why am I really angry? What is the root? And the root is what I deal with.

The Word tells us that anxiety is the root of depression. Proverbs 12:25. If you're suffering from depression and you take an anti-depressant, let me ask you something - why are you still depressed? Because depression is spiritual not physical. I'm not saying there aren't chemical issues with some people. Most likely there are. But God didn't create the majority of His children with a chemical issue. He created them for abundant life and if you aren't dealing with the root of your issue, you are going to suffer depression. No pill or drug will cure a spiritual issue.
Get to the root friends, The roots will either cause the tree to stand or it will cause the tree to blow over. Please don't hesitate to email me ( if you have any questions or if you want prayer. I would be more than happy to pray with any of you.

Be blessed. Be free. Dig up those roots!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Loving God

I have such a great love for my Savior. He's worthy to be loved. Worthy of my admiration and adoration. Worthy of worship and of my praise. He's my Redeemer, my Deliverer, the Bedrock on which I stand. He's my God. I'm His daughter. How blessed I am.

I love you Daddy! I don't want to get so caught up in the things of this world that I forget my love for You. You're my peace, my joy, my hope. In You, I have all I need. In You, I am whole for there is not limit to Your wholeness. In You, I can bear the heaviness of this world. In You, I can face my greatest foe. In You, I am the greatest me I can be. How awesome is that. How awesome You are. My Daddy. The Lover of my soul. The Healer of my being. My God. My Everything.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Your Spiritual Authority

The content of the following scripture is so powerful that I want to pass it along.

2 Chronicles 26 gives us insight into the life of King Uzziah. The scripture tells us that he was only 16 years old when becoming king and as long as he sought the Lord, God prospered him. Verse 5 tells us that he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding of the visions of God. Zechariah was King Uzziah's pastor. The scripture tells us that during the days of Zechariah, King Uzziah sought God and God prospered him. Now, during this time, Uzziah became a very prominent King, a powerful and strong king. The Message Bible states his reputation extended all the way through Egypt. You might say - he was the man:)

Now, verse 16 tells us that when King Uzziah became strong, he became arrogant and exalted himself above God. Because of his arrogance and disobedience, he contracted leprosy (YIKES). Not because he came into contact with a leprous person, God just let him have it - so to speak. He remained leprous until his death, living in an isolated house, by himself, cut off from the house of the Lord.

This is the point I want to make (though there are many to be made from this one chapter alone). We need our pastors! They are our shepherds, our spiritual fathers and the Word is very clear about the necessity of Divine order in our lives and the power of obedience. Pastors have been called to feed their sheep. They feed us and we are to eat. We don't always enjoy the feeding because it oftentimes cuts against our will, but when eaten and digested it becomes like honey to us, health to our soul. King Uzziah did well and prospered much during the days of his pastor. Why? He sought the Lord. Zechariah spoke God's Word to King Uzziah and Uzziah was obedient. If King Uzziah was going astray, his pastor kept him in check. I'm guessing Zechariah died during King Uzziah's reign and from that point on, King Uzziah "did it by himself." Friends, we can't do it by ourselves. It isn't Biblical. If we think we're going to become all God created us to be without having spiritual leaders in our lives, we are in for a wake up call because it isn't going to happen. They watch out for our souls. I encourage you today to come to the realization of the importance of having a pastor in your life. If you struggle with the understanding of this importance, I encourage you to read the lives of Saul and King David found in 1 Samuel. They are perfect examples of this importance. Also, Juanita Bynum's book called Walking in Your Destiny would be a great resource as well. One more thing. Don't just acknowledge this importance. Walk in it. If your pastor gives you instruction or direction, take it. If he begins to point out sin in your life,then acknowledge it. If you receive rebuke, then accept it. His desire is for your best. He will not mislead you. Trust God with the pastor He has given you. Oh, and if you have a pastor that doesn't lead you, give you direction or point out sin in your life, then I question if he's the right pastor for you.

Be blessed. Be an appreciator of your spiritual authority.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Prayer That Moves

I read something lately by T.D. Jakes that has caused me a great deal of time in thought. He said something similar to this, "If your prayer doesn't move you, then it probably won't move God." I think about the prayers I pray and how "heartless" they must seem to God at times. Though I know He hears every prayer, and I pray what is on my heart, I often pray very repetitive, redundant prayers. What about passionate prayers? Have I become so "familiar" with prayer and with God that I have become matter of fact in my relationship with Him? How sad. And it's completely to my detriment!

I want raw passionate prayer. Prayer that moves me. Prayer that moves God. Prayer that shakes the foundations of the earth. Prayer that causes the heavens to take notice. Prayer that expects answers. Prayer. Raw and passionate. Raw and passionate.

Lord, I want to pray my heart to you with passion. May I passionately seek You.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

God of the Impossible

My dear friends,

Why is it that we think repentance is a bad thing? I guess it's because we realize the wrong we've done and that's why we hate it so much. It isn't the repenting, it's the knowledge that we've come to that has caused our repentance. I hate that I've had to repent several times over the same issues. You would think that after the 10th (or 100th) time I'd get it. Forever learning and never coming the the knowledge of the truth. That's what God's Word calls it. I want the truth. Don't you? I want to learn and go forward. I hate living in the past, in yesterday. I don't want to find myself having the same thoughts today that I found myself having 2 years ago. Not thoughts that are not of God. I want God thoughts. As far as repentance goes, I've had to repent once again for my analytical thinking. I can't figure God out. Why after 13 years am I still trying? I say I don't want to put Him in a box, but honestly, if I can define Him, I can put Him in a box. God isn't boxable (new word).

I've wanted over several years of my walk to have a recipe for the things of God. Let's say our recipe for healing calls for: 3 days of fasting, 6 hours of prayer, 2 good deeds and an extra $10 in the offering for that week. Sounds like something I can do. But God doesn't want to give us a recipe. He wants us to believe Him. We want to mix the ingredients and once completed have our prayer answered. God wants our faith. He wants us to believe Him. Listen, not just to believe IN Him, but to believe Him. He says He will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4) The only prerequisite for this is to delight ourselves in Him. He doesn't give us 5 steps to receive, He just wants us to believe.

Ok, like believing is an easy thing to do. Let's get real for a second, I think I'd rather have 5 steps, wouldn't you? Faith is hard. It's easy to believe the water is going to come out of the faucet when it's turned on. I paid the bill, I know the water is there. It isn't as easy to believe that God's Word is true for me when I don't see it coming to pass. I'm still in debt, I still have migraine headaches, my mother is still stricken with fibromyalgia as well as a slew of other issues, Seth still lacks common sense and he has health issues as well (I've prayed for 11 years for the same issue with this child). When my dad died, I wanted to tell him to get up. I was afraid my mom would flip out and I was afraid he wouldn't. Fear is bad for our faith!

Anyway, what does boxing in God and 5 steps to answered prayer have in common? I'm not really sure, but I think it boils down to faith. God began dealing with me yesterday (once again) about my faith. I can't go or grow in Him without it and neither can you. It isn't easy to believe for the impossible, but God is the God of the impossible. Nothing is impossible for Him. Nothing. Nothing. Have you read your Word today? Have you read of the Israelites being delivered out of Egypt? Or of the acts of the Apostles? Maybe, if you're lacking in faith, you should. I think I will.

Be blessed. Have faith.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Maidservants of the Lord

Dearest Friends,

I want to share with you today the wisdom and life of my favorite woman in the Bible. Her name is Mary. She happens to be the mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Mary's life has always intrigued me. She was so young when she became pregnant. She was only 14 scholars say when she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. If this is the case she was only 47 when she watched her first born son beaten beyond recognition and hung on a cross to die. I wonder those 33 years of His life what she thought about. Did she wake every day with the thought of His being the Son of God? Did she sit around staring at Him, thinking about the fact that just as human as He was, He was as equally God. I think that would blow my mind. And we know according to scripture that she believed in His power. She is recorded as the first to ever ask Jesus to perform a miracle when she asked Him to turn water into wine. Mary knew the God of the impossible.

When she was just a young virgin girl, Mary was approached by an angel who told her she would conceive in her womb a son whose name was to be called Jesus and that her conception would occur by the Holy Spirit as the power of the Highest overshadowed her. And her son would be the Son of God. And this is what Mary said, "may it be to me according to your word." WOW!

That's why she's my favorite. She didn't say a number of things like; do I have to?, are you sure you want me?, do you know what you're doing?, is this for real?, ARE YOU CRAZY? I think I would have been asking some questions. Not Mary. She called herself the maidservant of the Lord and she accepted her assignment. Accepted an assignment knowing that her family would not understand, her betrothed husband may want to divorce her, her friends would talk behind her back, and the others who knew her would call her names and reject her from their very presence. She accepted the assignment despite the emotional pain, the rejection, the fear, and the uncertain future. I wonder when she accepted her assignment, did she know how alone she was going to feel?

Friends, God still gives us assignments. He may not be telling us to physically bear His son, but He is asking us to spiritually bear His son.

He gives us the assignment to forgive all those who hurt us even when they aren't sorry. To forgive wholly with our hearts.
He gives us the assignment to love our enemies, to pray for them, and to do GOOD to them. OUCH.
He gives us the assignment to reject our selfish ambitions and take up His will for our lives.
For us wives He gives us the assignment to love and submit ourselves to our husbands despite their spiritual maturity.
For you husbands? He gives you the assignment to love your wife as Christ loved the church despite whether or not she's meeting your needs.
He gives us the assignment to share His love with those around us, those in need, and those who are hurting.

When the Lord speaks His Word to you, do you have the same attitude as Mary? Do you consider yourself a maidservant of the Lord, ready to fulfill His assignment in your life? We don't understand why He asks some of the things He asks from us, but I know He knows what's best for me. Will I be a whole fulfilled person if I choose to forgive, to love and to do His will? Then I choose to do so. I choose to be a maidservant of the Lord. May it be to me according to His Word. May it be to you according to His Word.

Be blessed my sweet dear friends. Be maidservants (and menservants) of the Lord!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Greatness on Reserve

I want to share about 2 exceptional women with you. Their names are Shiphrah and Puah. Their story is found in the first chapter of Exodus. They first caught my attention because they were asked by Pharaoh to kill the Israelite baby boys and they refused. Wow. They were given a direct order from their king and they did not comply. Why did they refuse? The 17th verse states that they feared God. Double Wow! To my understanding these midwives were Egyptian midwives that aided the Israelite women during birth. They were not Hebrew. They had, I'm assuming, been influenced by the Hebrews' lives and had come to understand the power of this God that the Israelites served and feared themselves. They had been shown the love and light of God.

Now, because of the refusal by the midwives to kill the baby boys, we find in vs. 20 that the people (Israelites) multiplied and grew very mighty. I'm sure that the midwives had no idea that their refusal to kill these babies would cause such multiplication and increased mightiness within the Hebrews. We know they had at least one conviction - they feared God. They feared God more than they feared Pharaoh and this fear caused greatness to occur.

I want to camp out here for just a minute. You see, Shiphrah and Puah were created for greatness. They didn't see the greatness that would come about by their simple fear of God, but greatness was waiting. Greatness was on reserve. We oftentimes in our lives wonder how greatness will ever come from our simple acts of obedience such as being a helpmate to our spouses, training our children at home, working in the church, or even giving to someone in need. But I am here to assure you that greatness is on reserve. Do we need to look for that greatness every day? Not necessarily, but I know that our spouses, our children and the people that we pour into through our service to the body will increase in mightiness. Not because we're something great or powerful. But because the One we fear is great and powerful and He is faithful to complete this work He has begun.

Another thought on these women is the meaning of their names. Shiphrah means brightness, to glisten. Puah means to glitter, brilliancy. These women glowed. From the time of their birth, they were created for this greatness. They were to glitter, to glisten. As we fear God and live our lives according to His plan, we become bright lights in a dark world. You could say we glitter and we glisten. Because of their fear of God, Shiphrah and Puah were given households of their own (vs. 21). God blessed them. It's the same with all of God's children. Isaiah 3:10 states, Say to the righteous it will be well with them, For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

So, my friends, as you live right standing with God, remember that greatness is on reserve. It is only a matter of time when that greatness will be revealed. Also, you will live in God's blessings when you choose Him above the world or your own selfish desires. God blessed two Egyptian women for their fear of Him. If He chose to bless them so greatly, will He not choose to bless you even more so?

A Private Audience

Good afternoon my friends :)

I've struggled over the summer for many reasons. It doesn't really matter why, but I hate that I have not taken the time to encourage you on a regular basis. Because of my circumstances, I think I have felt so incapable that I have let my feelings control my actions. I wonder how a simple mind like mine with a life that is so seemingly out of control right now, could have anything to offer to you. I have been reminded though that they are not my words, but God's. I pray that the words I write to pour into you are not just words to you, but words that are received that bring you life.

Because of the past few months, the circumstance of life, and the heavy burdens beared, I have had to remind myself over and over again that God does hear my prayers. With the overwhelming pressures of the day to day demands, I have had to remind myself (and I still am) that God hears every cry I cry. Every single sigh - He hears. Every whisper - He listens for. Every tear - He sees fall. Every heart broken moment - He feels. Did you read that? Every time your heart breaks He feels that brokenness with you. He doesn't just know your heartache, He is touched by your pain. He's God. He's touched by the feelings of our infirmities (a condition producing weakness). He paid the ultimate price, and bore the ultimate pain. He cares.

Psalm 18:6-7 states (Message Bible):

A hostile world! I call to God,
I cry to God to help me.
From His palace He hears my call;
my cry brings me right into His presence-
A private audience!

A private audience! Just you and God. No one else. He hears. He listens. He's 100% attentive to every cry cried to Him. How reassuring that is to me. How reassuring that must be to you. Thank you Jesus.

Be blessed my friends.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Powerless Darkness

John 1:1-5 - Darkness has no authority over Light !!!

I was reading the first few verses of the first chapter of John yesterday and I began to think upon vs. 5 where it says the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not comprehend it. It's saying the darkness does not understand the Light. I thought this was a strange way of saying what I thought was being said, so I looked up the Greek word for comprehend. It's a word that has many meanings. It means; seize, possess, find, apprehend, perceive, overtake, and more. The point of the scripture is to let the readers know that the darkness has no power or authority over the Light. I like the word, "overtake". The Lights shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overtake it. It can't! The darkness is powerless when the Light comes in. You might say that the dark is "in the dark" about the Light :)

Why is it then that we can't seem to overcome certain "sins" in our lives? Because God gives us a choice! He allows us to choose Him or choose our sin. Yes, the Light has the power to overcome and conquer the darkness, but we have to be willing to allow the Light to come in. Is the temptation to perform our sin great? Yes! But God has given us a greater power in Jesus Christ! He has given us the power to say NO to our sin and to the temptation. I find it much easier to say no to temptation when #1. I realize my sin will separate me from God, #2. I realize there will be consequences and cost to my sin that I may not be willing to pay, #3. I realize that choosing God's way is the best way for me and my family. The benefits to choosing God is much greater than the temporary satisfaction of fulfilling my temptation.

Remember, the darkness (sin) has no power over the Light. It can not overtake you unless you let it. It may feel like you're going to die if you don't give in to the temptation, but I promise you spiritual life when you choose the Light! You can make the choice today to allow the Light to overtake your darkness. Hold onto this Light of Jesus. He promises you eternal life in Him. He won't let you down!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Special Day

11/23/69. Now that's a date you don't write very often if ever. I, on the other hand, write that date on a very regular basis. As a matter of fact, when I went to write the actual date (11/23/08), I couldn't remember what year I was living in because I have never written the date 11/23/08. It is automatic for me to write 11/23/69. And I found myself having brain lock! I sat and stared at 11/23/ for a good 15 seconds before realizing that I needed to end it with 08. Are you asking why this strage behavior from me? Because 11/23/69 is the birthdate of someone very special to me. After finally writting the correct year with the date, I sat a few minutes thinking of Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV version with a twist of Angie).

For God created your inmost being
He knit you together in your mother's womb

Praise Him for you are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made
His works are wonderful (marvelous), know that full well.

Your frame was not hidden from Him
When you were made in that secret place
When you were woven together in the depths of the earth.

His eyes saw your unformed body.
And all the days ordained for you
Were written in His book
Before one of them came to be.

Wow. I sat and thought about God watching as each and every fiber of your body was being formed. He saw every one, every ounce you gained, every limb being formed and every organ coming to life. He saw it all and as He created and watched, He found Himself very much hoping that you would fall madly in love with Him because He is madly in love wih you!

It is sad when people don't celebrate their birth. God created each and every one of you with a specific purpose, a specific plan. He detailed every fiber of your being. He created you fearfully and wonderfully. He designed you for His purpose. He is marvelous indeed and so are His works - which is YOU! If you are one of those who think your birthday is no big deal, then I have news for you. It's a big deal for real!!! Celebrate it. Have fun with it. You are a very special creation!

God bless you all.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Seed

In the book of Isaiah, God tells the prophet Isaiah to foretell the ruin and destruction of His people. God's people had a habit (and still do) of rejecting Him after He supplied goodness to them. They forgot His ways and began following their own. Because of this rejection of Him, He would withdraw His hand from them in order to get their attention so they would once again return to Him. That's what's going on here in Ch. 6. Isaiah is to tell the people of God of the coming destruction and desolation upon them. What grabbed my attention in this chapter is that at the end of the "doom to come" message Isaiah gives them, he adds that in the midst of the destruction, in the middle of the desolation (and it's going to be dark), there shall be a holy seed. Whew! I wanted to come out of my seat!

You see, in the midst of every circumstance in our lives, if we are born again Christians, there is a holy seed. This particular scripture is stating that there will still be a people of God even once this destruction comes upon them. A group of people regardless of the desolation who will continue to be dedicated and set apart to God. You see, in the midst of God's people is God Himself. He's the beginning seed. Am I being clear with this? No matter how dark it is, there is a HOLY SEED. It doesn't matter how ugly your situation, there is a HOLY SEED. When you think you can't go on any longer, there is a HOLY SEED. The ultimate seed is Jesus. He's right dab in the middle of where you are NO MATTER WHAT!!!

Let me take this even further. Within you is Jesus Christ, the Holy Seed. Also within you are gifts, callings and abilities that God has placed in you for His glory. Before God formed Jeremiah (I switched prophets on you), He ordained Jeremiah as a prophet to the nations (Jer. 1:5). There was a prophet seed within Jeremiah to be used for the glory of God. Within you, my dear friend, is an ordained seed as well. Within you are many seeds ready to be birthed into full bloom in your life! A seed to do what? Whatever God has gifted within you; teaching, preaching, administration, giving, intercession, helping, encouraging, empowering, singing, playing the oboe, etc, etc. You have gifts. You have an ordained calling.

Okay! I have so much more about the seed to share with you. I hate to continue typing in fear that you will become overwhelmed and delete me! So, I encourage you to take your time reading this. If you have to come back, then do so, just don't let me lose you now.

Psalm 139 states that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That means our gifts, talents and abilities are as well. We all have dreams, visions and purposes in God or at least we should. Unfortunately, because of life circumstances, what we've been told all our lives or because of our self-image, we allow these gifts, purposes and dreams to lie dormant within us. We don't allow the seed within us to become nurtured. It lies dormant and produces nothing. If it isn't nourished, it doesn't grow. An apple seed must be planted and nourished in order to grow. But when it does grow it produces many more apples. One apple seed can produce in its lifetime more apples than one person is able to count. That's a lot of apples!!

What does a seed do? Well, a seed brings forth life. There is power within the seed to bring forth something new. Seeds release and stimulate growth and development. The apple seed is not known to produce life until that seed grows and sprouts forth a tree, branches and ultimately bears fruit. What does the fruit do? It sustains life. As the apple tree begins to grow, it must sustain both good and bad weather; rain, snow, scorching heat and other environmental conditions. The roots of the tree have to be strong or the tree will not survive. Friends, we have much weather to bear in our lives, but if we allow those conditions to make us strong, we will eventually bear fruit. Our seed will spring forth into new life.

Let me give you another truth. The seed is independent of its environment. You weren't given a gift or calling because your daddy is rich or because your mother is from the royal family! You weren't given your specific purpose because you have friends or because you do everything right or anything right. Are you following me? Your gift is yours regardless of how many times you've been on the altar asking for forgiveness. No matter what you've done, you've been given a purpose and it will lie dormant within you until you allow it to grow.

One more truth. No seed is a weed. If you see your gift as "less important" than someone else's seed, your purpose will never spring forth. If another person sees your seed or gift as a weed and wants to pluck you out of the garden, then rest assured that God will replant you right where He wants you. For instance, last summer I had a huge weed growing in my landscape. When my mother saw the thing, she asked if she could dig it up and take it home with her. She wanted that weed for her garden so it could continue to grow into what the creator created it to be. She saw the value of a plant that I saw as a weed. When you are what the Creator, or God, created you to be, then you will find your greatest fulfillment!!!

I pray you have been blessed with the truth of these words. God has purpose for you. Don't allow the enemy to continue to keep dormant within you what God wants to use for His glory. Allow yourself to be fulfilled as you use the gifts God has given to you.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dream On

I want to empower you today with just a few words of encouragement. For those of you who attend Strong Tower this is only a continuation of the Pastor's message titled I Have a Dream. Dreaming is a favorite pasttime of mine. I love to dream and I love to see thoughts spoken turn into action which allows dreams to come true. For those of you who are Team Leaders and volunteers at STM, I am honored to serve with you knowing that I will be around to see a measure your dreams come to pass.

I attended a Kids' Church conference about 5 years ago in Atlanta, GA. There was a speaker there by the name of Steve Siemens. He told a story of a man, whose name escapes me, who prayed for the power of God. He said this man prayed fervently and persistently. One day when the man became frustrated with God he asked God why God had not given him the power he had been praying for. He said God quietly whispered in his ear, "with plans no bigger than yours, you don't need my power."

Sir Francis Drake is quoted as saying these words, "Disturb us Lord when we are too well pleased with ourselves. When our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little. When we arrive safely because we have sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us Lord."

Folks, God's vision and dream for your life is bigger and better than you've ever hoped for. Pastor said once (back in early 2007) that God instills the dream within us and we allow Him to use us for its fulfillment. When your dreams live, you make the Kingdom of God better. Allow God to give you a dream. Allow Him to use you for its fulfillment. If the dream's too big for you then it's the perfect size for God! He gets the glory and others are drawn to Him.

God has created each one of you with a dream, a vision. Regardless of your life's circumstances, where you've been or not been or what you've done or not done, God has a dream for you. It's bigger than you and only He can make it come to pass. God loves you, He created you for greatness and whether you believe these words or not, they are true. Don't let your past or present hold tomorrow's dreams hostage. Be a dreamer!

Have a great day my friends. Dream on!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Choose Life

I want to go to Deuteronomy 30:19. It states, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendant's may live..." A year or so ago when I found myself in the darkest dungeon of my Christian walk, I had to blatantly choose life for myself. I knew that God had set both life and death before me, but all I sensed, saw and experienced at the time was death. I didn't realize that I was choosing death for myself. No, I wasn't choosing the circumstances in my life at that time, but I was choosing to allow the death of the circumstance to bring death to every part of me. I was dying emotionally, spiritually, and ultimately I was dying physically. When death comes to us emotionally and spiritually, it is only a matter of time before that death is seen upon us in physical form.

So, how did I begin to choose life for myself? Well, life comes only by the Word of God. Not by reading it, but by applying it. Even though my circumstances smelled of death, I had to begin to speak life to myself. Have you ever met someone who says they read their Bible, go to church, or pray for hours, but there is no abundant life in them? That's because they are either lying (!), or they are not applying what they are reading and being taught. I have met many people in my life that say they pray for hours, but there is no proof of victory in their lives. Unfortunately, many people read the Bible thinking its a good thing to do, but in essence it is their life source and applying it is more important than reading it.

Any word that you speak either to yourself or to another is either producing life or producing death. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit." The Message Bible states it this way, "Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose." Well, I'm guessing you're a little like I am, and you want to choose some good yummy fruit, not bitter poison for your life. The only way to eat the good fruit is by speaking the words of life according to God. Any word that opposes His truths is death and will bring death to you, to your spouse, to your children, and to your grand children!

Did you follow in Deut. 30:19 that your words, choosing either blessing or cursing, will affect your descendants? I know for my children I want life. I choose blessing for my children. I've experienced death and I choose life for me and for them. I don't want them to have to fight with the things I've had to fight with. For instance, my children will never hear me say they are stupid, fat, ugly, less capable than someone else, or not capable of success in an area they have interest. Justin has made comments to me that he would like to travel with a worship team as his "career." That is what is in his heart. I don't tell him that he can't make any money that way, or that he can't raise a family while he's traveling. He'll never hear me say, "well dream on Justin, that's about impossible." No way! I say, "Justin, you are a blessing to me and to God. If your desire is to serve him by traveling with a worship team and that is his will for your life, then we're going to believe it for you." Levi is ten and still says he's going to play in the NBA. I have never one time told him that that dream won't happen. Levi can make that dream happen if he works hard enough to achieve it. My boys hear life words from me and that's what I intend to continue pouring into them. And you should do the same with your children. I know sometimes we wonder if their brains are attached, but I promise you they are, and they need life words from us!! Speak Life.

One more thing before I finish. When you speak words such as; I can't, that's impossible, it will never happen, my bills will never be paid, my body will never be healed, my spouse will never change, God doesn't care, I'll never get out of this pit, etc., know that these types of statements are death to you. You must always find God's Word for your situation, meditate upon that Word and make it alive to you. Believe that Word for you regardless of how you feel. Feeling are temporary, they come and go. God's Word is eternal. It shall NEVER pass.

Be blessed my friends. Choose life.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This is in response to Elder Burden's message yesterday morning titled, "Are Christians allowed to use the 4 letter word?" I initially thought he was going to talk about love or maybe fear, but his 4 letter word was HELP! and yes, we as Christians are not only allowed to use the word, but encouraged to do so. While Elder Burden was speaking, I was thinking of a situation with Levi a week ago Friday. Levi called me Friday morning and asked if I was on my way home because his stomach was hurting him and he didn't feel well. I told him I was on my way and as soon as I got home I checked on him and told him to lie down because he was obviously hurting. He was having stomach cramps and I could tell by the look on his face that he was not well and that there was probably more to come. Within 2 hours he was in the bathroom and I could tell he was getting sick. I waited a few minutes and then strolled to the bathroom door to see if he needed me. As I stood by the door, I heard Levi crying out to God with these words, "Help me, Jesus. Help me, Jesus." I stood outside the bathroom door with tears running down my face because my little baby was hurting and in the middle of his pain he was crying out to Jesus for help. I had Seth open the door for me (it was locked) and I walked in on Levi in the middle of his mess. He was covered in bodily fluids as was the floor, and the bathroom sink. His clothes and body were covered and he was an absolute mess. The smell was putrid (don't mean to be gross, but I'm making a point). I had to open all the windows in the house to even begin to air out the smell. I proceeded to tell him everything was going to be fine. I made him bath water, stripped him down and began to clean up his mess.

Regardless of the mess we are in, we can cry out to our Jesus. No matter how ugly the mess, how much we're covered in it and no matter how bad it smells, we can hold onto the truth that Jesus will hear our cry for help. Not only does he hear, but he'll be there to hold us, clean us up and move us out. And Jesus is so awesome that he won't just clean us up once, he'll clean us up over and over again. Just like Levi. This initial mess was only the beginning of the messes I cleaned up on this particular Friday and will clean up for his entire childhood.

Thank you Elder Burden for speaking such an incredible truth to us.

Thank you Jesus for allowing us to cry out to you when we're covered in filth and we're right smack in the middle of the biggest, dirtiest, smelliest messes we've ever been in. Thank you for having our answers and for making us clean in you.

Your True Self 2

Defining yourself. Your true self. John the Baptist was not apprehensive in defining his true self. He stated the facts, " I am 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Make straight the way of the Lord."' John 1:23. The cause of such boldness and confidence within John the Baptist could be the sum of many known truths that John accepted.

He accepted the fact that he was given authority to "make straight the way." He knew his assignment and went forth in his calling and purpose. In order for you or for me to become our true selves, we must fulfill our assignments and go forth in our callings and purposes. John walked in his given authority and his actions showed his acceptance of this authority. Like John, we too have been given authority. Jesus calls his disciples together in Luke 9:1 and gives them "power and authority over all demons, and to cure all diseases." We, too, are His disciples and have power and authority over all the enemy.

This means we don't have to accept in our lives what is not of God. We have authority over our thoughts, our actions and behaviors, and over every minute of every day. You and I have been given the authority to cast down any thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We are commanded to do so in 2 Cor. 10:5. You and I have the authority to say no. This is a truth that took me years to accept and apply. If the action I am performing or the thought I am pondering is unlike God, then I have the authority to change it. I use the authority given to me by Jesus to say, no! I will not behave in such a manner and I will choose the mind of Christ!
(Phil. 2:5) If you and I define ourselves by any other definition then that of God's, then our thoughts are exalting themselves against the knowledge of God and we are commanded by Him to cast them down. We take authority over our thoughts.

We were given authority for the edification of the Body of Christ, 2 Cor. 10:8. John the Baptist may have felt very unqualified to be the voice bearing witness of the coming Messiah. If he had lacked confidence and had not fulfilled his purpose, then many individuals of that day would not have known of the coming Light of Life. The lack of confidence in our lives will keep us hindered and our purposes will not be fulfilled. The Body of Christ will not receive its proper edification. The confidence killer? Condemnation. If our heart does not condemn us then we have confidence toward God, 1 John 3:21. If we are lacking confidence then we must ask ourselves,and God, in what area are we living in condemnation? The Holy Spirit will speak very clearly to you, as He did me, the area of your life where you are still dealing with condemnation.

It has been a blessing to speak into you this evening. I pray you are on a continual path of discovering your true self!

You have authority in Jesus Christ my friends! Take that authority and Be Confident!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Your True Self 1

Good evening my friends :)

I've been in much thought this past week about a verse in the 1st chapter of the book of John. I really wanted to spend a great deal of time on this verse so we could really dig into it, but time has not allowed so I will share it and my thoughts with you in short. The verse is John 1:12.

The New American Standard Bible states John 1:12 as follows:

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,...etc.

The Message Bible states the same verse as follows:

But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves.

This particular version caught my attention with the words - true selves. I began asking, "Am I my true self?"

Several years ago I would have answered that I was my "true self", but as I look back on the days of yesteryear, I realize that I am more my true self today than I have ever been. As a matter of fact, even 2 years ago, I was not my true self.

What allows a person to be their true self? How do we know if we are our true selves? What hinders us from being our true selves? Our child-of-God selves? I realize that God wants me to be completey who He created me to be. To be no one else. To mimic no one in personality, but to be me. I can have my own likes and dislikes. I can like 22" chrome wheels even if others make fun of me. I can like pink tennis shoes and hip hop style music even if I am 39 years old! I don't have to act "grown up" or carry a certain disposition about me because others around me appear a certain "way" and I define that "way" as my standard.

I've decided I just want to be me. I want to be who God created me to be and He wants you to be who He created you to be. No one else may dance the way you do, but you're unique. No one else may like your lime green VW, but if you like it, then be happy! Be confident in the person God created in you.

I believe God will have me "stuck" here for another week or so, so I'll be sharing more with you on this topic next week. Be who God created! Be yourself!

Love you all!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Without Limits

Isn't it awesome and amazing how God doesn't just give us a little, but He gives to us without limits? Look at His love, it is unconditional. Regardless of our decisions in life, He still loves us. No matter how ugly we may become, His love doesn't change. He loves you the same today as He did when you were first conceived.

His peace? It surpasses all understanding. As Christians, we cannot explain to others the peace we have when we rest in Jesus. It isn't a peace that the world understands. It's a peace that only God gives. It's a peace that I desire to overwhelm me everyday of my life.

His joy? It's unspeakable joy. I love that about my God. Joy Joy Joy Joy down in my heart. Down in my heart to stay. Today, I choose joy. Tomorrow? I choose joy. Do you choose joy or do you choose to look at life's circumstances and allow them to cause you anxiety and fear?

And His wholeness? There are no limits. That means no matter how big the void, He can fill it. No matter how dark the hole is that you may be finding yourself, He is big enough to reach out and take hold of you, pull you out and make you live in the sunshine. Isaiah 59:1 states, Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy that it cannot hear. He hears from the quietest thought we have to the loudest yell we shout. No thought is unknown to Him. No cry we cry is unheard. Do you need to cry out to Him? Do it, He'll be listening.

One more choice He gives us everyday. The choice between life and death. We choose one or the other. What do you choose? Where do you look for joy and peace? I can promise you there is none like that of my Father. Choose His peace today, His life, His joy and His love. There's something about this God we serve. Something about Him. Something about Him.

Be blessed my friends. Be full of God's peace.