Friday, July 3, 2009

A Special Day

11/23/69. Now that's a date you don't write very often if ever. I, on the other hand, write that date on a very regular basis. As a matter of fact, when I went to write the actual date (11/23/08), I couldn't remember what year I was living in because I have never written the date 11/23/08. It is automatic for me to write 11/23/69. And I found myself having brain lock! I sat and stared at 11/23/ for a good 15 seconds before realizing that I needed to end it with 08. Are you asking why this strage behavior from me? Because 11/23/69 is the birthdate of someone very special to me. After finally writting the correct year with the date, I sat a few minutes thinking of Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV version with a twist of Angie).

For God created your inmost being
He knit you together in your mother's womb

Praise Him for you are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made
His works are wonderful (marvelous), know that full well.

Your frame was not hidden from Him
When you were made in that secret place
When you were woven together in the depths of the earth.

His eyes saw your unformed body.
And all the days ordained for you
Were written in His book
Before one of them came to be.

Wow. I sat and thought about God watching as each and every fiber of your body was being formed. He saw every one, every ounce you gained, every limb being formed and every organ coming to life. He saw it all and as He created and watched, He found Himself very much hoping that you would fall madly in love with Him because He is madly in love wih you!

It is sad when people don't celebrate their birth. God created each and every one of you with a specific purpose, a specific plan. He detailed every fiber of your being. He created you fearfully and wonderfully. He designed you for His purpose. He is marvelous indeed and so are His works - which is YOU! If you are one of those who think your birthday is no big deal, then I have news for you. It's a big deal for real!!! Celebrate it. Have fun with it. You are a very special creation!

God bless you all.

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