Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blessings for Obedience

Hello My Dear Friends,
I want to discuss a bit with you today that God's blessings come to us based on our obedience to Him. Many times in our lives we do not receive His blessing because of our disobedience/our sin.
My pastor was preaching a few weeks ago about faith. That we all have the measure of faith that we need to move the mountains in our lives. We don't have to pray for more faith because God wants us using the faith He has given us. Pastor asked me what I think hinders the ability to use that faith or keeps us from seeing our prayers answered. My response was our sin. Our sin keeps us from #1 believing we will receive and #2 receiving what we believe.

I was reading the book of Micah this afternoon. I went there because that's where my book mark was! In chapter 6, God is letting His children know that He had a complaint against them. As I continued to read, I became aware of some of those complaints. They were wickedness, deceit, violence, and lies. Because of these sins in their lives, God was withdrawing Himself from them. He withdrew health from their bodies, satisfaction, protection, the law of reaping and sowing, and they became a reproach. They were to bear the shame of their sins. If you've ever bore your shame you know that it isn't pleasant.

We must understand that if we are committing sin against our God that He will withdraw Himself from us. We cannot expect God to provide His blessings to us that are so abundant if we are in willful sin. There can be many things in our lives that we tend to overlook as sin such as jealousy, gossip, pride, covetousness, idolatry, little white lies, lack of submission, and I could go on and on.

If you're talking about someone and it isn't any of your business, you better stop. If it is your business then you better be talking to the right people, not your next door neighbor or your friend on the phone!!!

If you can't talk about someone without feeling bitter or ugly inside then you need to confess your jealousy and repent. Why make yourself miserable? Bitterness only hurts you - not the person with whom you're bitter.

The Bible states in Proverbs that every man is right in his own eyes. Does your pride and lack of submission categorize you into this type of person? Because if it does, destruction is sure to come (Proverbs 16:18).

I know these words may be tough for you, but God expects us to live pure lives. If you want His blessings, His abundant blessings, then check your heart. He'll reveal anything to you that may be hindering those blessings.

1Corinthians 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Love you all! Be blessed!

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