Monday, January 3, 2011


As Pastor Miracle was speaking New Year's Eve. about becoming restless in our lives, I began to relate to his message. I, too, was finding myself in a daily battle with self. I was in continual conversation with the Lord asking, pleading, and begging for answers about life and purpose that seemed to never be found. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the greatest, I found myself a 10 on the restless meter. I had lost my focus on the real purpose for my life; the purpose of sharing the love of God. I ultimately had lost my passion for Jesus.

As I went to God with this new revelation, I became aware of these truths:

I can not try to intellectualize who God is. Trying to "figure God out" is futile and I need to stop it. My mind can not comprehend His ways, His wonders, or His mighty acts. I had begun to allow my intellect to hinder my passion for Him. The constant asking of why and how had detoured my focus from others to me. I had become self focused. I allowed my inability to understand my surroundings cause my relationship with Jesus to suffer.

While God was showing this truth to me, I realized that God is a heart doctor. He is the Ultimate Cardiologist as He deals with the matters of the heart. God does heal our minds, He created them, but most of the issues we have that we consider "mental issues," such as stress or depression can be linked to heart issues. We will find when our hearts are whole and healed, we will have fewer mental worries.

I feel like one of the greatest truths God showed me during this time was that people will respond to me when I present the gospel to them with my heart, my heart of passion, rather than my intellect. Passion provokes people. It will provoke them either positively or negatively and I must be prepared for both.

I want passion. Passion for my Jesus and passion for souls. I know as my passion for Christ comes alive so will my passion for His creation.

A heart for Him = His heart. And His heart is my absolute goal.

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